“I am a curious being, I love artistic expression, I love to play, and I can’t help but be creative as my intuition builds even more creativity. I have a passion for all arts and a deep curiosity for human nature and how the two affect each other. I was raised in Pittsburgh, PA, and performed with The Pittsburgh Youth Ballet through high school. Through dance, I learned the art of physical expression, becoming intertwined with the art of visual and emotional experiences.
I studied psychology at Purdue University. While practicing as a psychotherapist in my late 20s, I got my first camera and started experimenting with photography in a dark room. After my first shoot, I realized that my true passion was still rooted in the arts and the study of how art forms can evoke so much in another. I knew that to live authentically and honestly, I must create. Trying out all forms of photography, I won 3 Fuji Film awards within my first year of shooting. With success happening instead quickly, I played with many genres within photography before deciding to settle on advertising photography for major international campaigns. All the while, I knew I would ultimately shoot fine art.
With twists and turns in life, a traumatic brain injury skiing halted my advertising career in a single moment. Then, I focused on relearning balance, vision, memory, and empathy, amongst many other essential life skills most take for granted. I had lost my ability to see or think creativity and my ability to see or compose through the lens. Recovery was slow. In the next nine years, I suffered 11 more concussions and more setbacks. It took years to regain my ability to be creative, and a whole new world opened up to me from there. I believe it is from these challenges, life lessons, and experiences that my purpose is now to create art that can touch others spiritually and emotionally. It’s all about rebirth and seeing life’s simple treasures that are all around us. It may be a ray of light shining through the beautifully shaped trees or the soul emitting through the eyes of a wild mustang. These are things I want others to see and feel through my work.
C.S. Lewis stated, “You don’t have a soul; you are a soul. You have a body.” Since being back behind the camera, I only shoot what evokes my soul. I am called by my subjects’ authenticity and truths in their own state of raw energy. My art uniquely reflects emotion, energy, introspection, and life in its most organic state. I am inspired by nature, light, shadows, and lines and the emotions and perceptions we have of them.
I believe in giving back. My family and I happily spend our time, earnings, and talents on numerous organizations and charities locally and internationally. Photographing the wild mustangs has always been a dream for me. I have always been drawn to their organic and wild nature, energy, and innate passion, which moves my soul. We have so much to learn from them. Their story and current inhumane treatment take my breath away. We must all do our part in preserving and helping these amazing animals - we owe it to them, our children, and future generations.
I donate 10% of the proceeds from every sale. I donate to Return to Freedom for all wild horse collections and other organizations. To find out more or become involved, please get in touch with me. I live and play in Big Sky, Montana, and Phoenix with my two daughters, husband, and Doodle.”