Mystic Museum of Art: Michael Melford
A Passage between Earth and Sky
Museum Exhibition
A Passage between Earth & Sky
Michael Melford is an award-winning photographer who has completed 18 stories in National Geographic since 2003. MMoA is honored to host a solo exhibition of his latest series in the historic Davis Gallery from October 1 – December 19, 2021.
Michael Melford is an award-winning photographer who has completed 18 stories in National Geographic since 2003. MMoA is honored to host a solo exhibition of his latest series in the historic Davis Gallery this Fall.
Learn more about Michael Melford’s current work: This exhibition is sponsored by Bekim and Heather Veseli and the National Gallery of Fine Art.
Michael Melford: A Passage Between Earth and Sky was recently featured in The Westerly Sun. You can read more about Michael and the relationship between his work and nature here.
“My mission is to share the wonders of the natural world with others and to help them see the beauty that surrounds us. My hope is that we might preserve it for future generations.”